Opening Times
09:30 to 17:00 local or sunset if earlier
Airfield Information
N50 19.90 W005 10.65 | 330ft AMSL | 119.755 AirGround Radio.
LND DME 114.20, Radial 058, 21.2nm
Landing Fees
Out of Hours
Landing fees are collected by Perranporth Airfield Ltd and include parking for the day.
Overnight parking is charged at 50% landing fee.
Landing fees must be paid at the cafe on arrival. Prices include VAT.
Out of hours contact : 07525 909139
Fuel is available during airfield opening hours.
Avgas 100LL £1.71 per litre. £2.60 per litre inc VAT.
(Feb 2020)
A good size, secure and well ventilated.
Hanger is Full. Please contact 01872 552266 if you like to be added to the waiting list.
Aircraft Hire
A PA-28 Archer is available for Private Hire @ £162 per hour wet
Hire for check rides are charged at £198 per hour including an Instructor.
Microlight Flights
Experience the exhilaration of a thrilling microlight flight.
Perranporth Airfield is home to The Cornish Parachute Club.
Perranporth Driving Centre
Learn to drive on the UK’s only purpose built driver training facility with all the features of a public road but without the traffic!
Learn to drive with a qualified adult (mum, dad, friend – anyone as long as they hold a full driving licence). We cater from age 14 years or older or as young as 12 if you use one of our experienced team member
Onsite Café
The café is situated below the control tower, overlooking the airfield.
Perranporth Airfield is owned and maintained by Perranporth Airfield Ltd (03601291)